The Institute for 21st Century Agoras will provide access to the “student level” CS II software for Structured Dialogic DesigSM. This product was created in concert with Leading Design International (LDI) who has produced a companion user manual that features the use of the software in Root Cause Analysis.
To obtain a copy of this “student level” software, apply below with an email address.
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A SIGNIFICANT DISTINCTION: Both the CS I and the CS II software are only part of the Structured Dialogic Design process, and it is even possible to conduct Structured Dialogic Design sessions without software (though this would take considerably longer to complete).
A NOTE OF CAUTION: It is important that individuals who choose to start using the software recognize that personal use and very, very small group use of the Interpretive Structural Modeling module is likely to be straight forward. As group size expands, the power of the software tool increases, but so does the challenge of using it appropriately. Reasons why this is true relate to the sociotechnical context of the emergence of shared meaning through language and dynamics of large group decision making. These considerations are discussed in detail in The Talking Point (details about the book can be found on our PUBLICATIONS section).
To make this point in another way, Structured Dialogic Design is not a hammer looking for nails, but rather a hydraulic lift which much be used with care and with skill in appropriate situations of need. If the design process is not used effectively, in not only will fail to solve the problem but it may cause some additional pain by consuming valuable time and energy from your thoughtfully assembled groups.